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"When all else fails, have faith"

Monday, June 24, 2013


I was never a victim of flu until the 2 days ago when my nose refused to stop producing this huge amount of fluid. I don't even know where and how all these fluid come from! It doesn't stop at all and it's driving me nuts. Adding on with the haze, my head gets these mild headaches occasionally and I woke up one day with an extremely dry throat thus leading to my dry cough. This is so frustrating. The only way to stop my nose from leaking is to pop some flu medicine which will cause drowsiness and the drowsiness effect takes place first before the leaking stops. If only there wasn't any drowsiness involved when I take this pill, I'd have pop it 3 times a day as stated rather than just once before I go to bed. I tried to google my illness and I ended up with some articles saying about how this "runny nose" thing is actually their brains fluid. Just so you know, my nose is leaking fluid, not mucus, and some times the fluid just drips down without a warning just like how nose bleeding happens. I hope I'm just being too paranoid over my stupid nose. It's been going on for some time but the past 2 days was really crazy, I had to hug onto the tissue box even when I sleep.

Sigh, why is this happening to me...